#we are all in this together

During these difficult and uncertain times, I know you are all going above and beyond to help our international students and your colleagues. But please remember, to be able to help someone else you must also look after yourself, so investigate what your institution offers in the way of welfare support and check out the links to support programs below.

With everything moving so quickly ISANA is looking to organise a webinar/s to discuss and give tips on the ‘detail’ we all need to be aware of including regulatory ‘relaxation’. Look out for a survey coming shortly which will ask you what the top issues are you would like us to hold a webinar on so we can arrange one asap.

At this time all other ISANA Professional Development and Events have been either postponed or cancelled. Remember #we are all in this together and ISANA is here to help and support you.

Bronwyn Gilson
ISANA National President

Helpful resources and links:

Recent documents with education specific content:

Department of Education, Skills and Employment latest information here

Department of Home Affairs here

International students allowed to work additional hours in certain industries – see Special Arrangements for Students who are in Australia here (NB. the Employer has to register to allow international students to work increased hours)

Study in Australia information here

Department of Social Services dedicated page dealing with financial support available for those impacted by COVID19 here

Headspace ‘Mindfulness for your everyday life’ here

COVID-19 Support (Department of Health) 10 Steps of sSupport here

Lifeline Australia here

Black Dog Institute here

A joint statement from the regulators, ASQA and TEQSA:

All AQF training and assessment must meet high quality standards regardless of the location of the student and the mode of delivery. As long as the student remains enrolled with their provider, and the assessment requirements of the course allow it, the location of the student and the mode of delivery should not form an impediment to attainment of an Australian qualification.  National regulators, including ASQA and TEQSA, will be flexible in order to support students to study online either in Australia or offshore.  Providers should assure themselves that such arrangements maintain assessment and quality standards and are appropriately documented. Not all qualifications are suited to online learning, this may include those with mandatory work placements. If providers have questions about their specific circumstances, they should contact their relevant regulator

This statement is included in the DESE fact-sheet on regulatory information, available at https://docs.education.gov.au/node/53248  and at https://www.asqa.gov/coronavirus-advice